Access notes
Under normal weather conditions one free parking space is provided per tent. Additional car parking is available at £10 per day low season £12 a day high season..
Vehicular access on to the camping field itself is not available, unless exceptional circunstances prevail, such as illness or accidents. You shall therefore need to move your tent and effects on to the site from your vehicle - from about 120 meters. This is quite a simple task on mostly level gound and free wheelbarrows are provided to assist you with this. Being free from cars in the camping field vastly improves the site ambience and makes this more than a worthwhile excercise!
We apologise but use of the site may not be suitable by persons with some disabilities due to the need to walk 120m or so to the tent locations via some rough grassland, that may be uneven, and foot-bridges. Being a temporary site there are no formal paths. Please be careful to watch your step at all times and feel free to call us for more information and guidance. Access to the camping field is unsuitable for unassisted wheelchair access.
Remember to pack a torch for late night forrays as there is little on-site lighting to preserve the natural ambient nature of the site. Foot bridges have to be crossed and while they are safe a torch will be a valuable tool on dark nights to assist with safe passage. Swanage Bijou Camping, it's owners and employees accept no lablilty for accidents arrising from crossing footbridges in a careless manner or inibriated state, or for trips or falls that occur while walking on our site at any time.